Jaden Behringer

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SEC Engineer’s Week

Last month, I joined the Student Council of Engineering (SEC). The SEC is one of the largest and oldest student organizations on campus here at Texas A&M. Founded in 1939 by the Dean of Engineering, it currently has over 120 members with 15 committees. Currently, I am a member of the Special Events committee, helping to run the newly founded First Year Career Fair. In addition to my committee responsibilities, I’ll be volunteering at a variety of events as a member of the SEC.

This week was Engineer’s week, a yearly holiday to celebrate engineers, promote engineering awareness, and foster the engineering community. The SEC put on a variety of incredible events such as an engineer dunk tank, open tabs at restaurants, and an inflatable obstacle course. I volunteered to help run the obstacle course, and somehow immediately became in charge of running the waiver cart??? Although I will say that by the end of my shift I had those waiver instructions memorized inside and out. Anyways, I had a lot of fun seeing all the excited engineers come up to race each other through the course and got closer with some of my new friends in SEC.

A picture of us volunteering uploaded to Texas A&M’s official Instagram (I had no clue until I got a bunch of notifications from my friends sending it to me)